Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take A Second

Sometimes it takes losing something to realize that's what you wanted all along.
 Sometimes you just don't know what you truly have in your life. 
We get so caught up with what we don't have, we forget to see what we do have. 
We take so much for granted and it's not until we lose or go without these things
 that we realize we have so much. 
We are so blessed and yet we want more. 
If things aren't congruent with how we want them to play out we get discouraged. 
We need to realize that not everything will go according to plan. 
Stop having such high expectations. 
Take some risk and get ready to fall.
We don't get everything we want. 
But I do believe we are blessed with everything we need. 
Stop taking things for granted. 
Open your eyes and see what you have. 
Learn to appreciate things before they are missed.  
Somethings you can't get back.