Saturday, November 26, 2011

It Will Come

Sometimes I wonder why I even try. What is the purpose if all you're ever going to get is failure, shut downs or disappointment? Why put yourself through something like that just to be told no? It gets me so frustrated that no matter what I do the answer is always the same. No matter how hard I try I'm not making progress. I'm stuck in this spot. Just repeating myself over and over again. Living each day the same as the last. And for what? In all honesty I don't know. I just know that at some point things will change and be better. Giving up is not in my vocabulary. Turning back is not the answer. I have to remind myself that this is just a storm. Things will end and a rainbow will shine. It's all an illusion that I have fooled myself into believing. People are the best liars to themselves. Regardless of what I feel or think I am making progress. Everyday I get closer to my goal and it's worth it. It's hard but I have faith I'll get there. I don't know what my future holds and where I'll end up but I do know it will be good. Every tear, every painful moment will not have gone to waste.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Broken Things To Mend

In Nazareth, the narrow road,
That tires the feet and steals the breath,
Passes the place where once abode
The Carpenter of Nazareth.
And up and down the dusty way
The village folk would often wend;
And on the bench, beside Him, lay
Their broken things for Him to mend.
The maiden with the doll she broke,
The woman with the broken chair,
The man with broken plough, or yoke,
Said, “Can you mend it, Carpenter?”
And each received the thing he sought,
In yoke, or plough, or chair, or doll;
The broken thing which each had brought
Returned again a perfect whole.
So, up the hill the long years through,
With heavy step and wistful eye,
The burdened souls their way pursue,
Uttering each the plaintive cry:
“O Carpenter of Nazareth,
This heart, that’s broken past repair,
This life, that’s shattered nigh to death,
Oh, can You mend them, Carpenter?”
And by His kind and ready hand,
His own sweet life is woven through
Our broken lives, until they stand
A New Creation—“all things new.”
“The shattered [substance] of [the] heart,
Desire, ambition, hope, and faith,
Mould Thou into the perfect part,
O, Carpenter of Nazareth!”

Brothers and sisters, whatever your distress, please don’t give up and please don’t yield to fear. I have always been touched that as his son was departing for his mission to England, Brother Bryant S. Hinckley gave young Gordon a farewell embrace and then slipped him a handwritten note with just five words taken from the fifth chapter of Mark: “Be not afraid, only believe.” I think also of that night when Christ rushed to the aid of His frightened disciples, walking as He did on the water to get to them, calling out, “It is I; be not afraid.” Peter exclaimed, “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” Christ’s answer to him was as it always is every time: “Come,” He said. Instantly, as was his nature, Peter sprang over the vessel’s side and into the troubled waters. While his eyes were fixed upon the Lord, the wind could toss his hair and the spray could drench his robes, but all was well—he was coming to Christ. It was only when his faith wavered and fear took control, only when he removed his glance from the Master to look at the furious waves and the ominous black gulf beneath, only then did he begin to sink into the sea. In newer terror he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Undoubtedly with some sadness, the Master over every problem and fear, He who is the solution to every discouragement and disappointment, stretched out His hand and grasped the drowning disciple with the gentle rebuke, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” If you are lonely, please know you can find comfort. If you are discouraged, please know you can find hope. If you are poor in spirit, please know you can be strengthened. If you feel you are broken, please know you can be mended.

I just love Elder Holland. You can tell he truly cares so much for everyone. Such a beautiful talk. Seriously. Everyone should hear it. If you want to read/listen to the whole talk click here :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


           Do you ever feel invisible? Like you are stuck underwater screaming, trying to get someones attention but they just can't hear you? Your screams are muted. They are being muffled by the gallons of water you are being forced to swallow. And it hurts. You feel like there is no getting out. The water is consuming you. It's become the stronger power. Taken over. You want to give in. Just give up. Anything to make it come to an end. But through that water comes a hand. It reaches towards you and latches on to your arm. It feels so strong as it pulls you to the surface of the water. You can suddenly breathe again. It's all over.
           I think a lot of people feel this way at some point. They go through some form or "drowning." We get stuck under the pressures of life. It mutes are screams and takes over. It becomes the water that we want to get out of. Or maybe this water is something else. It's different for everyone. But one fact stands true. It suffocates you. It tears you down to the point where giving up seems like the better choice. It leaves you feeling alone. Invisible. And all you want is for someone to hear your screams. 
           I believe that there is always someone that can hear your screams and will reach through the water to pull you out. Someone who notices you when you feel no one else does. Whether it's a friend, family member, teacher, co-worker, or even an angel. It's not always who you want but it's someone. We will never be left to "drown." We just have to hold on a little longer. Wait for that hand to help pull us out.
BUT on top of that, we need to be that hand for someone else. Be the answer to someones prayer.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Just One Day

It's amazing how different  each day is. You may do the same thing over and over again but it's different somehow. Some days are great. Those days you catch yourself smiling and you have no idea why. Other days...well other days just plain suck. Sometimes crap just happens and it piles up. Or you're just down. You don't know why. You just are. These days are the hardest to live. It's hard to see clearly what you want and why you are doing the things you are doing. For me, I sit and question EVERYTHING. Am I truly making the right decisions? Do I really know what's best for me? What is it that i'm missing? Then  I stop myself. I realize i'm doing what I do best. Over thinking. Over analyzing. I'm making things hard when they are simple. Life is simple. It's beautiful. It's only dark and scary if you let it be that way. It all has to do with your attitude. They way you choose to view things. There is good in every day. Look for it. I'm not saying it's wrong to feel down and have bad days. That's part of being human. Everyone goes through it. I'm saying don't forget about the good days. Everyday comes to an end. Every moment has an ending. So maybe today sucks. Maybe crap is happening but it's never the end. It's just one day out of thousands. So smile. Give someone a hug. Remember you are loved and no storm lasts forever.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


We live in a time where we want things instantly
We are so used to getting things as soon as we want them. 
With cars, planes, the internet, etc. things are literally at our finger tips. 
If our browser takes longer then 5 seconds to load we get impatient. 
Our lives are constantly on the go that we have forgotten how to wait for anything. 
To slow down and experience, enjoy, embrace every moment. 
To live today without thinking about tomorrow
All good things come in time. 
Not now. 
Not in an hour. 
In time. 
Waiting, especially for me, is one of the hardest things to do. 
I want things now
I want to go places tomorrow. 
But that's not how things work. 
We don't have our own watch. We are on the Lord's time
He knows when and how we need things. 
Trusting that is so difficult. 
A challenge. 
A test in it's self. 
I hate waiting but I know it's right. 
Too often I have wanted things and not gotten them when I wanted or thought was ready 
but if I would have received them then I would be missing out on so many blessings. 
Waiting is always worth it. 
So enjoy where you are and wait with excitement for your true blessings to arrive.