Sunday, October 30, 2011

Make It Matter

At the end of my life it won't matter if I was at the "party of the year" or how many friends I made.
 It'll matter if I was there for someone who needed me. 
If I was the best friend I could be for the friends I already have. 
It won't matter if I was prom queen or how many trophies I won. 
It'll matter that I did my best and made an effort. 
Having the best dress and most money won't matter. 
Dressing modestly and staying out of debt will.
It won't matter if people think I'm weird and different. 
It'll matter that I accepted myself and loved me for me. 
At the end of my life it won't matter how big my house was or what car I drove. 
It'll be what I did in my house and where I went in my car that will. 
Life isn't just one big party and competition to have the best things the world can offer you. 
For me, It's finding joy in everything. 
Living a life you can be proud about.
One you can look back on and say, "Dang, I did good. I lived a good life. God would be proud" 
It's being happy with yourself. 
Loving and caring for people. 
Even when they don't care back.
Keeping your values and standards. 
Reaching that ultimate goal. (Heaven)
Life is laughing when your happy and crying when your sad.
It's pushing yourself past where you thought you couldn't go.
It's feeling and not running or hiding from those feelings.
It's being honest to yourself and everyone around you.
We need to live life. Not party through it.
Don't get me wrong. Parting is fun. It's the best.
But it's not the only thing in life.
We need to make our life matter. 
Don't get so caught up in the way the world portrays life.
Find a purpose for living and live.
Enjoy it because you only get one chance.
Make it count.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Want A Boy Who...

When it comes to love i'm basically hopeless. I want something that is almost impossible, naive and from a whole different world. I want true love. I crave it. I know it exists because I have seen it. I see it everyday. All around me. And I want it. I want a boy who will hold me at anytime. Someone who will call me just to hear my voice. A boy who will bet kisses that he can beat me at video games then let me win. I want a boy who wants to spend time with me. Every second he can. Someone that will drop what he is doing just to come to me. I want a boy who treats his mother with respect, his father as his role model and siblings as his best friends. I want a boy that wants me and will do whatever it takes to have me. Someone who will not easily forget me or give up. I want a boy that will notice my mistakes, forgive them and love me for them. Someone who will be honest with me. When i'm doing something wrong he'll show me how to do it right. This boy will stand up randomly and shout to the world, "see this girl here? She's mine. Be jealous." I want a boy that will hug me just to remind himself that i'm real. Someone who will talk to me and trust me. A boy that will surprise me with little things just because. Someone who will make stupid jokes just to hear my laugh. A boy that will be my best friend and loves me for me. I want a boy that loves me with all he has. Maybe wanting all this is selfish and immature of me. Maybe it's unrealistic and i'm shooting too high but for me, it's worth it. It's worth any wait. And wait I will. In the meantime I will become the best girl I can be for this special boy. I will be my best self.  So I can love him the way I want to be loved.


Ever wish you could go back in time and change a moment in your life? Fix that one mistake that would make everything different? Pick a different boy? Say something different? Choose a different path?We all have these times. It's not bad to have regrets. It's just bad to dwell on them. To let them take you over. The past is the past and there is nothing we can do about. So stop trying. The only thing you can do is to learn from it. Don't be so hard on yourself. Accept the lesson and move on. You can't go through life without making mistakes. It's part of being human. It's necessary for  our growth and learning. It shapes who we are. So make mistakes. Laugh about them and live. Don't judge others by their mistake either. It doesn't matter how strong a person is they are still vulnerable. Everyone is. Some people are just better at putting on a face or putting up a wall. They are just as human as you or me. They are trying to grow and move on just like you. You don't want them to hold your mistakes to you so why hold theirs to them? Every day is a new day. Make the best of it. You are the only one that can mold your future to the way you want it. This is your life. Your time. So live it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take A Second

Sometimes it takes losing something to realize that's what you wanted all along.
 Sometimes you just don't know what you truly have in your life. 
We get so caught up with what we don't have, we forget to see what we do have. 
We take so much for granted and it's not until we lose or go without these things
 that we realize we have so much. 
We are so blessed and yet we want more. 
If things aren't congruent with how we want them to play out we get discouraged. 
We need to realize that not everything will go according to plan. 
Stop having such high expectations. 
Take some risk and get ready to fall.
We don't get everything we want. 
But I do believe we are blessed with everything we need. 
Stop taking things for granted. 
Open your eyes and see what you have. 
Learn to appreciate things before they are missed.  
Somethings you can't get back. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Give Thanks

I feel like I haven't been very grateful lately. So many people have done so much for me and I don't know if I have properly showed my gratitude towards them. Especially Christ. I get so caught up in the world and the way things are that I forget to say thank you. It feels so wrong, to me, to not express my gratitude. I wouldn't be where I am without everyone that has every been apart of my life. So I want to say thank you.

First, thank you to my parents. You have raised me to be the girl that I am. You have taught me what is right and wrong. You raised me to know of Christ and the love he gives. You showed me how to love simply by loving me with all your heart. You, by example, have showed me how I want my life to be. I can't think of a more service oriented people than you. From day one you have been my ultimate heros. How blessed I am to call you my parents. You are what I need in life. So thank you. Thank you for being the best parents anyone could ask for.

Thank you to my siblings. All families have their problems and i'm not excluding ours but, I feel, we have one of the strongest families. I love how close we are. You all have showed me nothing but love and kindness regardless of how I have treated you. You have strengthened me in ways you could never dream of. Yeah, we fight sometimes but that has only taught me how to handle stress and forgive others. I thank God everyday for putting me in such a wonderful family. Thank you.

Thank you to Courtney Johnson. My best friend. You and I have been through so much together and yet no fights! Yay! You have been there whenever I needed it. You have sat and listened to me complain, laugh and just be straight up weird. And yet, you still love me. You don't judge me. I can't ask for a better best friend. I love our relationship and wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Thank you for always supporting me and listening. I don't know what I would have done without you. We will forever be best friends. Thank you.

Thank you to all my "little sisters." (Kaela Marrott, Jenna Jarvis, Caitlyn Moffit, and Courtney Moffit) Oh, I have loved growing up with you girls. You are wonderful people! And though you are younger than me, I still look up to you in so many ways. You have showed me how to be strong when everything else is falling a part. I love that I can talk to you girls about anything and everything and you give me your opinion. You guys are always there for me. I love that you guys come to me and call me your sister. Thank you so much for the love you give me. Thank you.

Thank you to one of my second mothers. (Michelle Marrott) What a wonderful women you are. Thank you for always loving me and letting me into your house. I love that I can come to you at anytime and you will sit and talk with me. You make me see life in such a bright way. You are one of the strongest people I know. I love how much we can relate. You make me feel like apart of your family. Thank you.

Thank you Stephanie Turpin. You are such an inspirational person and I look up to you a lot. You have always been my closest and favorite cousin. I love when people tell me I look like you! You are so strong and independent. I want to be like that. I love that you feel at home at my house and you come over often. I love our "gossip time." I love that I can and do call you whenever I need and you will sit and try to help me out. You're just so positive and on tune with the spirit. Thank you.

Thank you to all my friends. Each one of you. I can't even explain all that you have done for me. You all make up my past and have given me memories that I cherish above all. Friends really are Gods way of taking care of us. I wouldn't want to live my life without any of you. There is a reason, for each of you, that you are in my life. Thank you for letting me be apart of your life. You all make me want to be the best person I can be. Thank you.

And most important, thank you Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for giving me all these people. Thank you for never leaving me. Thank you for caring and letting me grow. Thank you for leading me though life. Thank you for every second chance. Thank you for loving me in a way I will never truly understand. Thank you for dying for me and giving me all the opportunities in life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

"If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues. Someone has said that “gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. ~President Thomas S. Monson 
“When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.”    ~President Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, October 9, 2011


This is for the ladies who think they aren't worth it.
For the women who think they aren't the right material.
For those of you who constantly get down on yourselves.
Ladies, we are Daughters of God.
We are worth more then you will ever know.
Do not let anyone tell you that you aren't worth anything.
You are worth everything.
We have so much to offer this world.
Don't ever let anyone treat you in away that is disrespectful.
Remember who you are and know you play the most important role in life.
It doesn't matter if you are tall, fat, short, poor,
Anyone that doesn't agree doesn't know you.
Imagine how the world would be if every lady were to live her life knowing her true worth.
Wouldn't that be amazing?
One of my friends told me that when she was four she started thinking she was fat and ugly.
At the age of four.
How sad is that?
The Devil knows the power that women hold and he is doing everything he can to tear that down.
Stand strong.
Don't let him win.
Have confidence in yourself.
You are doing an amazing job.
Stop wishing you were someone else.
Give others a reason to want to be you.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
The world needs you.
One of my heros once said;
"Of all the creations of the Almighty, there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring than a lovely daughter of God who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so. Who honors and respects her body as a thing sacred and divine, who cultivates her mind and constantly enlarges the horizon of her understanding, who nurtures her spirit with everlasting truth." 
(~Gordon B. Hinckley)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Our lives are like seasons. Things start growing and warming up until they become so wonderful and you want it last but then everything starts changing colors and dying and it gets really cold and rainy. But guess what? That's not the end. Things start growing and getting warm again. It's a cycle we all go through. No one can stay in just summer or just winter. We experience every season. Never forget that the season will change. No winter lasts forever and every summer comes to an end. But there is beauty to every season. There is always something to look forward to. So keep your eyes open:)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nothing Like Love

Oh how I love Richard G. Scott. This is one of my all time favorite talks. It's my fairytale.