Sunday, July 24, 2011

Losing love

There comes that time, for nearly everyone, when you have to go through some type of heart break. That time of losing someone you love. 
Seeing that person go on with their life and not taking a second to look back is one of the hardest things to go through. 
To lose that love. The one thing that makes life worth it. 
Love is the ultimate best feeling you can feel and being hurt by love, losing love, being alone is the ultimate low. 
I've always believed to experience the ultimate high you have to experience the ultimate low. I have gone through that ultimate low. 
Everyone says it makes you a stronger person but I don't know anyone that asks for that. I know I certainly didn't. 
This is one trial that I will never be able to live through again.
I can't wait to feel that ultimate high. I know it will come. 
Things have a way of working themselves out and that's when the rainbow shines. The true challenge is waiting for the storm to pass. Being strong when all you want to do is let go. That's when the hero inside of you comes out. 
There is something good waiting for every single person. All we have to do is learn to wait for it to get here.
Waiting. Learning patience. Working for what you want.
Now that, that is when you can feel that ultimate high.
Never give up. Things that are worth it take the most time and effort.
It won't be easy. In fact it will hurt like hell. But that's why you are not alone.
Rely on others. That's why they are there.
Talk to God. He wants to help you.
That time of heart brake is when you will be drawn to him the most.
He is the ultimate love. Always shoot for that.
This all comes from what I have learned while going through life.
It might be different for others but this is what it is for me.
This love I lost will always hold my heart.
And hopefully one day it won't be lost anymore.

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